Convert Ideas into Meaningful Actions

Your business objective is to effectively communicate, promote, and deliver product, service and brand propositions as unique experiences. This means converting ideas and high-value propositions into meaningful actions.

Ideas are the content of actions, and actions are the expression of ideas.

The impact of business efforts depends on the significance of your story  and the clarity of your storytelling


Expressions need to be accurate representations of desired ideas and concepts.


concepts/ideas underlying:

company vision and values

strategies (short and long term)

positions (short and long term)

branding (personality/values)

product benefits

product purpose

customer experience






physical product attributes

communication messages


specific execution of any activity

Logical Content Construction synthesises ideas and appropriate representations into clear, significant and high-value propositions

Ideas are logically synthesised into one meaningful story that generates high value propositions

Representations are logically synthesised to communicate intended high value propositions

Implementation is the process of bringing ideas to life

making sure everyone and everything works together to turn a company's vision & strategic objectives into reality.

For instance, to address a drop in sales, you may wish to rejuvenate your brand with a new advertising campaign. Your brief to your advertising agency contains definitions of your brand and objectives. The advertising agency represents these in a visual story and a slogan that encapsulates your proposition to your customer. If the conversion of your brief to a visual story is accurate, then your customer will arrive at the definitions provided in your brief. The rules that define the conversion of an advertising brief to an advertising campaign and into customer perceptions constitute the logic of the conversion process. In other words, how the company, the advertising agency and the customer share a common understanding of the proposition and its particular meanings relies on clear definitions that set the rules for different types of expression leading to the same message, i.e., meaning.

Content is perceived only through its expression.

Aligning content with different forms of expression requires a well defined logical path that organises, and synthesises actions in a manner that is meaningful and of value to your customer and your business.

Transform with TWS Business Logic

Adopt the TWS Logic System and master the way you generate value for your business.


Phone: +30 2107295540

Address:35 Diovouniotou St, Greece 11741